this is one of my feeds ... ?type=atom, take the first item, it gives
as stated above, published and updated dates are exactly the same wich matches the creation date. The article was scheduled for 23-02-2024 17:00:21 and that was the time it was published as can be seen here ... punta.html ... ?type=atom, take the first item, it gives
<entry><title>Mark'ennovy elige Getafe como su sede central europea, revolucionando la salud visual con tecnología de punta</title><link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href=""/><published>2024-02-22T15:46:26+01:00</published><updated>2024-02-22T15:46:26+01:00</updated><id></id><author><name>ro ot</name></author><summary type="html"><p><img src="ón fábrica mark&#039;ennovy (1)_1400_large.jpeg" alt="Mark&#039;ennovy elige Getafe como su sede central europea, revolucionando la salud visual con tecnología de punta" width="635" height="364" loading="lazy"></p><p>mark’ennovy forma parte de la familia de compañías de Euclid Vision Group y desde Getafe abastecerá a toda Europa, convirtiéndose en su escaparate para EMEA</p></summary><content type="html"><p><img src="ón fábrica mark&#039;ennovy (1)_1400_large.jpeg" alt="Mark&#039;ennovy elige Getafe como su sede central europea, revolucionando la salud visual con tecnología de punta" width="635" height="364" loading="lazy"></p><p>mark’ennovy forma parte de la familia de compañías de Euclid Vision Group y desde Getafe abastecerá a toda Europa, convirtiéndose en su escaparate para EMEA</p></content><category term="Empresa" /></entry>
as stated above, published and updated dates are exactly the same wich matches the creation date. The article was scheduled for 23-02-2024 17:00:21 and that was the time it was published as can be seen here ... punta.html
Statistics: Posted by opticoptom — Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:23 pm