I have a client having an issue with the mailer not functioning properly. We've spent many hours troubleshooting and getting no results. I could really use some help sorting this out.
Just some relative info...
Mailer setup is a pretty core Joomla function. It should be unaffected by plugins, etc. (read "should" as "I would expect so but there is no guarantee because these are complex systems").
Joomla's Mail class is a "wrapper" around a well-known library called PHPMailer. The wrapper adds some Joomla-specific functionality to that of PHPMailer.
I've traced the flow into Joomla's mail class to the point where it does the send. All it returns is "false", which indicates a failure. Normally there's some kind of error message associated with a failure like this, but in this case there's nothing.
I set the debugging level for both Joomla and PHPMailer up to the maximum, and still all we got was "false". This is really not helpful.
I wrote a little test program that used PHPMailer directly, using the server settings we used in Joomla, and asked it to send me a test message. This worked just fine.
We also tried with Membership Pro disabled, just in case that was causing the problem. No change.
It is possible that we missed a plugin that is somehow interrupting the mail process, but there's nothing I'm aware of. Membership Pro uses the core Joomla mail functions, so it's not that.
Just some relative info...
Mailer setup is a pretty core Joomla function. It should be unaffected by plugins, etc. (read "should" as "I would expect so but there is no guarantee because these are complex systems").
Joomla's Mail class is a "wrapper" around a well-known library called PHPMailer. The wrapper adds some Joomla-specific functionality to that of PHPMailer.
I've traced the flow into Joomla's mail class to the point where it does the send. All it returns is "false", which indicates a failure. Normally there's some kind of error message associated with a failure like this, but in this case there's nothing.
I set the debugging level for both Joomla and PHPMailer up to the maximum, and still all we got was "false". This is really not helpful.
I wrote a little test program that used PHPMailer directly, using the server settings we used in Joomla, and asked it to send me a test message. This worked just fine.
We also tried with Membership Pro disabled, just in case that was causing the problem. No change.
It is possible that we missed a plugin that is somehow interrupting the mail process, but there's nothing I'm aware of. Membership Pro uses the core Joomla mail functions, so it's not that.
Statistics: Posted by N6REJ — Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:48 pm